Emilio Urberuaga

Writer Nubeocho

Having been awarded the Spanish National Illustration Award, Emilio Urberuaga is one of our most internationally known artists. He has a very personal style that has brought to life an endless amount of endearing characters, such as Manolito, Olivia, or Hilda the Giant Sheep. Carlota is his last creation and she is the protagonist of his first book with NubeOcho Ediciones, written by José Carlos Andrés. Throughout his long career, he has received numerous awards, such as the Ospite d’Onore Prize, the Crítica Serra d’Or Award or the Hospital de Sant Joan de Déu Prize. His books have been translated into many different languages: Spanish, French, Italian, English, Japanese, Korean, Dutch, Finnish, Lithuanian, German…

Books with Nubeocho

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